Why Did My Insurance Deny My Car Accident Claim?

When someone’s involved in a car accident, they often expect that their insurance will cover all if not most of their losses. That is, after all, why people purchase auto liability insurance in the first place. Unfortunately, this is not always what ends up happening. In fact, an alarming number of valid insurance claims are denied, leaving accident victims on the hook for their medical bills and vehicle repair costs.
How Auto Insurance Works
Policyholders pay premiums every month, with the expectation of recovering some of those funds in the event of a collision. When a car accident does occur, a policyholder can submit an insurance accident claim, requesting that coverage. Filing these claims is the first step towards getting compensation for accident-related medical bills, lost wages, and vehicle damage. Each insurer has its own process for filing claims, so it’s a good idea for policyholders to carefully review those policies to ensure that they follow the right procedures.
Valid Reasons Your Claim May be Denied
Once a claim has been filed, an insurer will assign an adjuster to the case. This person will then be responsible for investigating the accident and making a recommendation to the company. Many of these denials are the result of a lack of sufficient coverage. If, for instance, an accident victim’s claim exceeds the maximum limit on a policy, the insurance company could deny it, or could leave the policyholder responsible for paying the difference. Similarly, many auto liability policies only cover certain types of losses. A Personal Injury Protection (PIP) policy, for instance, will only cover some of a victim’s medical expenses and lost wages, but not the cost of repairing or replacing a damaged vehicle. Insurance companies can also deny claims based on a driver’s conduct. Many policies, for instance, refuse coverage in cases where a driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident.
Bad Faith Insurance Practices
Not all insurance claim denials are valid. In fact, many insurers simply deny claims without even providing a reason. This is known as a bad faith denial and wronged policyholders have the right to file an appeal of these kinds of decisions. Other examples of bad faith conduct include:
- Failing to conduct a complete and timely investigation of the accident;
- Offering far less compensation than a claim is worth;
- Delaying decisions or failing to communicate with a policyholder; and
- Making threatening statements.
These types of activities are unlawful in Florida, so if your own insurance claim was denied and you suspect bad faith, don’t hesitate to reach out to an attorney for help holding the company accountable.
Contact Our Car Accident Legal Team Today
To speak with an experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyer about your car accident insurance claim, call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919. You can also set up a free case review by completing one of our online contact forms. Call or contact us online to get started on your case today.