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The Risks Of Self Improvement

Losing weight can be life-changing as far as the health benefits one reaps from dropping just a small percentage of body weight. Along with the change on the scale, changes happen to your body. Most of the time these changes are a desired result, but some of the changes may not be exactly what was anticipated at the onset of the weight loss plan. Sometimes, after a substantial weight loss, one can lose more of their assets than they planned on, and some people then decide to have plastic surgery to augment or define their new shape. One local woman, after losing over 100 pounds, decided to have plastic surgery – a “Brazilian Butt Lift” along with liposuction; unfortunately, the plastic surgeon allegedly gave her the wrong procedure – a tummy tuck. The procedure went wrong and the woman ended up with a hole in her stomach, which required hospitalization. According to reports, the Florida Department of Health is in the process of trying to revoke the plastic surgeon’s license altogether; the surgeon’s license is only partially suspended and he is allegedly not a board certified plastic surgeon.

A Little Research Goes A Long Way

Entrusting a plastic surgeon with reconstructing your body is something that is not to be taken lightly. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons offers a few tips for those seeking a surgeon in whom they can place their confidence to do the job properly, including finding a physician who has at least five years of training in surgery, at least two of which are in plastic surgery. The training and experience should be broad and cover all different types of procedures. Additionally, the physician should perform his surgeries in accredited facilities. Lastly, the physician should be one who is board certified, follows the code of ethics, and keeps up on medical education requirements to ensure that he is up to date and knowledgeable about the most current standards and practices.  When researching a surgeon, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons suggests asking enough information about the potential medical provider to be able to make an informed decision. Some of the questions a patient may want to ask the surgeon may include information about:

  • Board certification and membership;
  • Training, education, and experience;
  • Facilities where the surgeon has performed surgery;
  • Whether the procedure is right for you, including possible advantages, disadvantages, and risks; and
  • Recovery periods, potential complications, and the ways in which complications would be managed if they presented themselves.

Even the most meticulous research process on surgeons may not prevent an accident from occurring, but investing at least a reasonable amount of time in finding the right surgeon to perform your planned procedure will help to ensure its success.

When Medical Malpractice Occurs, We Can Help

If you have suffered injuries as the result of a botched plastic surgery or any other type of medical accident, the attorneys at Boone & Davis in Fort Lauderdale can help. Our medical malpractice attorneys have helped many victims of medical injuries recover for their losses and are ready to work hard on your behalf to help you achieve success with your case too. Whether we are able to help you settle your case or if we have to fight for your rights in the courtroom, you can rest assured we will do everything possible to get the best results we can for you. Call us at 954.556.5260 or contact us online to get started with your free consultation today.

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