The Importance of Proper Tire Care

Most of us don’t think about the state of our tires on a day to day basis. However, doing so could make all the difference when it comes to car accidents, especially during the Florida summers, which are accompanied by rainstorms, high winds, and blistering temperatures. While anyone who drives in poor weather is at risk of being involved in an accident, this danger is much higher for motorists whose tires are old or poorly maintained. If you were injured in an accident and believe that poorly maintained or defective tires were the cause, please contact a member of our car accident legal team today to learn more about your legal options.
How Poor Tire Maintenance Increases Road Risks
Accidents resulting from defective tires are not always the fault of the driver, as a surprising number of car crashes can be linked to manufacturers whose designs were defective or who used improper materials during assembly. Similarly, mechanics and auto repair shops are responsible for mounting, balancing, and installing tires on vehicles, and when they fail to do so carefully or use the wrong tires, place the vehicle’s owner and anyone else on the road at risk of injury. In these cases, negligent manufacturers and repair shops can and should be held liable for their actions.
However, not all tire-related problems can be attributed to these individuals and entities, but can be linked to the driver’s failure to keep up on maintenance. Unfortunately, this has become an increasingly serious problem, especially in Florida where the hot summer weather places more stress on tires. Furthermore, many of today’s vehicles can go much longer without being serviced, so mechanics and repair shops have fewer chances to inspect and repair tires. For these reasons, routine tire maintenance is more important to motorist safety than ever.
Maintenance Tips
Failing to keep up on tire maintenance significantly increases:
- The likelihood of a blowout;
- Stopping time; and
- Reaction time.
In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that as many as 11,000 tire-related accidents occur on a yearly basis in the U.S., in which more than 700 people lose their lives. To avoid these types of accidents, drivers are encouraged to:
- Check the size and type of their tires to make sure that they’re correct for the type of vehicle;
- Check tire pressure monthly, as underinflated and overinflated tires result in poor handling and make it much more likely that heat from the road will cause tire wear;
- Keep an eye out for uneven tread wear and sidewall bulges; and
- Ensure that tires are routinely balanced and rotated.
Although conducting this type of maintenance does not guarantee that a person won’t be involved in a tire-related accident, it can significantly lower a driver’s chances of being the cause of this type of crash.
Contact an Experienced Car Accident Attorney
To learn more about recovering compensation for an accident caused by defective or poorly maintained tires, please call 954-566-9919 and a member of our legal team will help you schedule a free consultation with one of the dedicated car accident lawyers at Boone & Davis today.