The Deadly Stretch of Military Trail

South Florida is a notoriously pedestrian unfriendly place. It has all of the attitude and the vibrant mix of cultures that New York City has, but none of the public transportation or the walkable sidewalks. Taking a walk in Florida is never without its hazards, but where you are makes all the difference. If you walk in a residential area of Broward County that lies west of University Drive in broad daylight, chances are that you will be safe. The sidewalks are spacious enough that you will even have time to get out of the way if a car comes dangerously close to the curb. On the other hand, there are some parts of South Florida where sidewalks and streetlights are virtually nonexistent, although the traffic never stops. One stretch of Military Trail in Palm Beach County is notorious for its risk of pedestrian accidents. It is a place where pedestrians frequently need to cross the road at night and where a disproportionate number of South Florida’s pedestrian fatalities have taken place. If you have suffered serious injuries while walking on a road with no sidewalks or crossing a road with no crosswalks, contact a Fort Lauderdale auto accident attorney.
Not at Fault for Fatal Accident, but Charged With Hit and Run
Danielle Slocum died an untimely death when she was struck by a car while she attempted to cross Military Trail at night in the summer of 2019. When she died, she was 25 years old, and her son, who was safely at home with other family members at the time of the accident, was less than a year old. The car that struck her did not stop at the scene of the accident, but witnesses at a gas station down the road described the car to police in enough detail that they were eventually able to identify it.
Police eventually connected the car to Anthony Bland, who was 24 at the time of the accident. Bland admitted that he struck Slocum and that, in a panic, he had fled the scene, because he was driving with a suspended license; the reason for the license suspension was unpaid traffic fines. He pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of a fatality accident and received criminal penalties. As for civil litigation, lawyers determined that Bland was not at fault for the accident. The area where Slocum crossed the road was so poorly lit that there was nowhere she could have safely crossed the road. This was a rare case of premises liability for a car accident, where the owner of a place where an accident happens is responsible for the accident. If the site of the accident is a public road, the county or city is liable.
Set Up a Consultation Today
A personal injury lawyer can help you if you suffered a serious injury due to a car accident where you attempted to cross a road with insufficient lighting. Contact Boone & Davis in Fort Lauderdale, Florida or call 954-566-919 to explore your potential recovery options today.