The Dangers Posed By Bald Tires

Most of us know the importance of changing our oil regularly and taking our vehicles in for a tune-up every once in a while. Few, however, keep a close eye on their tires, checking not only their pressure, but also the health of their treads. Failing to take these precautionary measures can have serious repercussions, not only for the drivers of the car, but for anyone else on the road.
3 Risks of Driving on Bald Tires
The tread on a car’s tires provide the traction necessary to keep the vehicle safely on the road. This tread does, however, wear down over each mile driven, until the tire may have minimal, if any tread left. At this point, the tires have become bald. Driving on bald tires come with a few major risks, including:
- Blowouts caused by heat build-up, which occurs when tread is low and the tire material is weakened;
- Blowouts or flats resulting from punctures, which can occur when the tread is no longer able to protect the tire’s integrity from rocks, nails, and other sharp objects; and
- Hydroplaning, which occurs when a lack of tread makes the tires less able to grip the road, resulting in a loss of control.
While many newer vehicles have dashboard indicators that tell a driver if he or she has low tires, vehicles don’t tell a motorist whether the tires are old or worn out, making it especially important for each driver to conduct regular maintenance.
What Causes Bald Tires?
Most bald tires can be linked to a neglect of regular maintenance on a vehicle, which includes failing to:
- Replace the tires when the tread is low;
- Get the tires balanced;
- Align the suspension; and
- Rotate the tires to spread the wearing evenly over both the front and back tires.
There are also a few things that can cause tires to wear out more quickly. Driving on tires that are over or under inflated, for instance, can result in excessive tire wear. While overinflation stretches a tire beyond its capacity, making it more vulnerable to punctures, under inflation causes more flex in the sidewalls, causing heat to build up and separating the rubber from the fabric and steel that make up the core of the tire. Driving in a vehicle whose suspension isn’t aligned can also cause the tires to roll at an angle, rather than straight on, resulting in undue wear on the tread. Heavy braking, aggressively driving around sharp corners, and overloading vehicles can also all play a role in wearing down tire tread.
Call Today to Speak with a Member of Our Legal Team
If you were involved in a car accident that you believe was the result of another driver’s unsafe or defective tires, you could be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, vehicle damage, lost wages, and more. Call 954-566-9919 today or send us an online message to learn more about your legal options from the experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyers at Boone & Davis.