The Dangers Of Speeding

Speeding is one of the riskiest driving habits that a person can engage in, contributing to more than 30 percent of serious injury crashes. There has also been a corresponding increase in fatalities caused by speeding-related crashes over the last few years. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that speeding-related accidents resulting in fatalities increased by five percent between 2020 and 2021. Fortunately, accident victims who can prove that someone else’s decision to exceed the speed limit contributed to their own injuries, could be entitled to compensation for their losses, including medical bills, lost wages, and even pain and suffering.
Speed Impacts Driving Ability
Speeding is always dangerous when driving, as motorists who exceed the speed limit generally:
- Have decreased reaction time;
- Experience reduced maneuverability; and
- Take longer to come to a stop.
All of these effects make it more likely that a driver will lose control of his or her vehicle, thereby increasing his or her chances of causing a crash. It’s also difficult for other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians to assess how fast a speeding vehicle is going and to divert accordingly. Finally, the faster a vehicle is traveling, the greater the potential for severe injuries, not only because of the more significant impact, but because speeding reduces the effectiveness of seat belts and airbags. Although cities across the U.S. are trying to lower speed limits in an effort to reduce the number of collisions on our nation’s roadways, speeding continues to be a troubling trend.
Establishing that Speed Was a Factor in Your Crash
Because speeding accidents happen so quickly, it can be hard to establish fault, as a victim or bystander’s estimate regarding an at-fault party’s speed prior to the crash is often not enough to prove recklessness. Fortunately, many vehicles are now equipped with electronic data recorders (EDRs), which keep a record of a wide range of information, including a vehicle’s speed before and during impact, as well as data related to a driver’s braking, steering, and acceleration. Video recordings from traffic cameras and nearby security cameras can also be used to help establish how fast a driver was going before a crash, while vehicle damage can provide further clues regarding speed. Vehicle manufacturers, for instance, often provide collision ratings for their vehicles, which show how much damage will occur at differing speeds. This data can then be compared to the damage from a particular accident to determine speed at the time of collision. Finally, skid marks and other evidence from the scene of the accident can be used to reconstruct an accident, including how fast the cars were going prior to the crash.
Was Your Car Accident Caused by Speeding?
To speak with an experienced Florida car accident lawyer about seeking compensation from the reckless driver whose speeding caused your own crash, call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919 today. We don’t charge for initial consultations, so don’t hesitate to call or contact us online to schedule an appointment.