Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Lawyers

Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against a Business
When many people think about personal injury claims, they imagine lawsuits filed against private citizens. While these types of claims do make up the majority of personal injury cases, they are not the only types of lawsuits that can be filed in Florida. In fact, a fair number of personal injury cases are not… Read More »

Florida Swimming Pool Accidents
As summer vacation looms nearer, more and more children and their parents are finding their way to local swimming pools in an effort to beat the summer heat. Although swimming pools do offer a brief respite to Florida residents and provide a way for family and friends to get together and enjoy the outdoors,… Read More »

Parking Lot Accidents
While most of us associate car accidents with freeways or busy intersections, the reality is that a surprising number of car crashes occur in parking lots and garages, which can pose hazards not only to drivers, but also to pedestrians. These types of collisions are especially common in busy parking lots, where space is… Read More »

Settling a Personal Injury Case vs. Filing a Lawsuit
Florida law allows those who are injured due to third party negligence to file civil claims against the responsible parties or their insurers. While this allows injured parties to recover compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering, doing so can be a long and difficult process. In fact, in many… Read More »

Filing a Claim for the Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress
When most people think of the injuries sustained in an accident, they imagine physical injuries like broken bones, cuts and bruises, and concussions. While many accident victims do sustain these types of injuries, it is also common for those who are involved in especially catastrophic injuries to suffer from psychological trauma. Fortunately, it is… Read More »

Dog Bite Liability in Florida
While animal attacks may not seem to occur that often, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually estimates that as many as 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year. These statistics are alarming, as dog bites come with a series of specific dangers, including disease and infection, the treatment of… Read More »

Assumption of Risk Claims
Defendants can raise a number of different legal defenses on their behalf when they are accused of negligently causing someone else’s injuries. One of the most commonly asserted defenses, especially in cases involving sports injuries is the assumption of risk doctrine. Under this doctrine, plaintiffs cannot collect damages from the at-fault party if they… Read More »

Filing Claims Against Multiple Defendants
While some accidents involve only two parties, one of whom was at fault for causing injuries to the other party, it is also not uncommon for an accident to involve multiple defendants. Florida adheres to the legal theory of pure comparative fault, under which all parties to a suit have their fault assessed and… Read More »

Can I Collect Compensation for an Injury Sustained While Trespassing?
Property owners are generally required to ensure that their property is safe for invited guests, although the level of care that they must take to make their premises safe depends on the visitor’s status. For instance, business owners have the highest duty of care to their visitors and must take steps to keep the… Read More »

Collecting Compensation for Toy-Related Injuries
As the holidays creep ever nearer, more and more people are beginning to shop online and in stores to find the perfect gifts for their children. While most people do not associate toys with serious injuries, the reality is that thousands of children are injured by defective toys every year. In fact, according to… Read More »