Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Dog Bite Attorneys

Florida’s Strict Liability Dog Bite Law
When a person is injured in Florida as a result of someone else’s carelessness, he or she is often able to recover damages by filing a personal injury case under the legal theory of negligence. This in turn, requires plaintiffs to prove that the defendant owed them a duty of care, that they violated… Read More »

Are Landlords Liable for Dog Bites Sustained on Their Property?
In Florida, dog owners whose animals attack another person are held strictly liable for resulting injuries. This means that even if a dog has never bitten anyone before, or shown any signs of aggression, its owner will be required to compensate injured parties for medical expenses and lost wages related to the incident. However,… Read More »
Dog Bites – Not Your Typical Work Hazard
Police work is inherently dangerous work and it does not seem all that unusual for an officer to suffer personal injuries in the course of his or her line of work. Chasing suspects, confronting wrongdoers, and even routine traffic stops often result in an officer getting hurt. What is not as routine, however, is… Read More »
Injuries Caused By A Dangerous Dog In Florida
When a dog bites or injures someone in Florida, the dog owner is strictly liable for the injured person’s injuries except in certain circumstances. Unless a person is taunting the dog, trespassing, or over the age of six and the owner has a prominent sign warning of a “bad dog” on their property, he… Read More »
Florida: Second most deadly dog attacks on humans in USA
Florida is second only to Texas when it comes to fatal dog attacks on humans, according to a new report. There were five deadly dog-on-human attacks in Florida in 2014, while Texas had 7 dog-related deaths. North Carolina had three deaths and Alabama and Ohio both had three, according to the news report. Pit… Read More »
What You Need to Know About Dog Bites in Florida
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each year, and half are children. The Florida Department of Health reports on their website that “each year, over 600 Floridians are hospitalized due to injuries from dog bites, and an average of two Floridians die from… Read More »
Are Owners Responsible for the Actions of Their Pets?
When you see a cute dog on the street or while visiting a friend, many times your first instinct is to reach out and pet the dog, but is this smart? While a dog may look friendly at first glance, sometimes unpredictable behaviors may emerge that put you or a loved one in danger…. Read More »