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Safety Concerns With Infant Car Seats

It seems that the importance of using an infant car seat is securely ingrained in every parent’s mind at this point. It is hard to remember back to when they were not a required safeguard – though those of us in the more advanced generations certainly do remember that far back to when they were not. Despite this, there is little doubt about the fact that they have greatly improved safety standards for children traveling in cars. Once strapped in tightly, a child’s chance of being injured in the event of a car accident is greatly lowered. One infant car seat manufacturer has recently issued a recall for certain models of their product after reports of the handles breaking and seats falling. The company is offering free repair kits and is warning customers against using the handle to carry the car seat until the repair has been made.

When Companies Take Responsibility For The Safety Of Their Products

It is a good sign when faulty products are recognized and attempts to rectify the situation are made so quickly once a problem is brought to light. Certainly the chances of children’s injuries will be lessened as a result of the way this situation has been handled by the manufacturer. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and all too often product liability issues lead directly to personal injuries – and, subsequently, personal injury lawsuits.

When Companies Do Not Take Responsibility For The Safety Of Their Products

Not all product defects are the same. Some are design defects – the design of the product is such that the product is just not safe from the inception. Others are manufacturing defects – the product itself is inherently safe, but at some point during the manufacturing process something happens that causes a defect in the product that makes it unsafe. Lastly, there are marketing defects – the product is designed properly, and manufactured properly, but there may be faulty instructions for its use or inadequate warnings about product usage. No matter what type of defect, the manufacturer would still have a responsibility for the safety of the product during its normal course of use. According to Florida Code Section 768.81(3)(b), in a products liability case, the trier of fact must consider the fault of all parties to the action and apportion fault accordingly. So, if a plaintiff is using a product appropriately, there is a lesser chance that he or she would be found to have contributed to the accident – and the fault would then be apportioned between any other parties to the action – the manufacturer, and perhaps the seller, depending upon the facts of the case.

Contact Us If You Have Suffered Personal Injuries Due To A Defective Product

If you have been injured as a result of a faulty product, contact the legal professionals at Boone & Davis to schedule a free consultation to review your case. We will be able to gather the facts surrounding your injuries and give you an honest and fair assessment of your case so that you can learn and understand your rights and responsibilities. Do not delay, as the legal system has specific time limits by which you must file your lawsuit and, if a deadline is missed, you could miss out on your chance to obtain relief. Contact us today online or by calling 954.556.5260 to get started.

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