Rear-End Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists are always at a serious disadvantage when it comes to collisions with motorists who have the benefit of seat belts, airbags, and thousands of pounds of steel between them and the road. Although any type of motorcycle crash is dangerous, rear-end collisions tend to have particularly devastating consequences, so if you were involved in this type of accident, you should consider speaking with a motorcycle accident attorney who can help you seek compensation for your losses.
Why are Rear-End Accidents so Dangerous?
When a motorcycle is hit from behind, the impact often lifts the back tire off of the ground, dislodging the rider, who could be thrown from the motorcycle. In these situations, motorcyclists are especially at risk of sustaining head injuries, as the face and the head are often the first parts of the body to strike the ground after being hit from the rear. Rear-ending a vehicle because a motorist abruptly stopped can be equally dangerous for riders who risk being thrown into the vehicle itself.
Common Injuries
Motorcyclists are prone to certain types of injuries, especially in rear-end crashes. For instance, as previously mentioned, motorcyclists who are rear-ended are often thrown from their motorcycles into the street. In these situations, riders often suffer from head trauma, traumatic brain injury, fractured skulls, broken jawbones, broken noses, facial fractures, and damage to the teeth. Even if the rider has time to put out his or her hands to stop the fall, he or she will still most likely suffer from serious injuries, such as fractured hands, arms, and wrists. Motorcyclists are also more likely to sustain the following types of injuries:
- Rib fractures;
- Abdominal injuries;
- Pelvic fractures;
- Long bone injuries;
- Spinal cord injuries;
- Lacerations; and
- Road rash.
Treating these types of serious injuries is prohibitively expensive, requiring hospitalization and even surgical intervention or physical therapy.
In Florida, when motorists are injured in a car accident, they are required to go through their own insurance companies in order to collect compensation. The only exception to this rule is for serious injuries, in which case an injured party can file a personal injury claim against the responsible party in court. However, unlike collisions between motorists, motorcyclists who are injured in collisions in Florida are not required to seek compensation from their own insurance policies first. Instead, accident victims are allowed to seek compensation from the other party’s insurance carrier or file a claim in court. Rear-end crashes in particular are almost always caused by at least one party’s negligence or violation of a traffic law. Aggressive driving, tailgating, speeding, and driving while distracted or fatigued are some of the most common causes for rear-end collisions.
Call Today to Obtain the Legal Representation You Deserve
If you or a loved one were injured in a rear-end motorcycle crash, you may be eligible for compensation to cover the cost of medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Please call 954-566-9919 to schedule a consultation with one of the dedicated Fort Lauderdale motorcycle accident attorneys at Boone & Davis today.