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Obtaining Follow-Up Care Can Improve Outcomes For TBI Patients


Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which are typically the result of a sudden blow to the head or forceful impact, are one of the most common injuries sustained by accident victims. They can range in severity, with recovery depending on how extensive the damage was and which part of the brain was affected. The most serious TBIs, however, could end up causing lifelong problems for the victim, although obtaining follow-up medical care can go a long way towards helping accident victims recover from their injuries.

The Importance of Follow-Up Care

Research into TBI treatment and after-care has revealed that follow-up medical care is critical to helping patients secure positive outcomes with their healing. One study, for instance, revealed that six months after treatment, only 44 percent of mild TBI sufferers had obtained functional recovery, while 56 percent qualified as having incomplete recovery. The study went on to conclude that patients who received follow-up care two weeks after their release from the ER had the best health outcomes, while those who didn’t obtain follow-up care within two weeks of their release (incomplete recovery) had poorer health outcomes. The latter tended to struggle more with returning to their pre-injury lives, faced issues when maintaining personal relationships and encountered problems when engaging in social activities.

What is Follow-Up Care?

After obtaining treatment, TBI patients are directed to return for an assessment within two weeks of their release. This two-week mark has proven to be very important, allowing clinicians to assess a patient’s recovery and if necessary, take additional rehabilitative measures, which includes directing the patient to seek the help of:

  • Occupational therapists;
  • Physical therapists;
  • Speech and language pathologists;
  • Psychologists; and
  • Social workers.

These individuals can address specific symptoms and problems experienced by TBI sufferers, helping injured parties:

  • Improve their ability to function in day-to-day life;
  • Treat mental and physical problems caused by the TBI;
  • Obtain social and emotional support; and
  • Adapt to changes as they occur during a patient’s recovery.

Unfortunately, many TBI accident victims don’t seek follow-up medical care because they are unable to cover their medical bills. This should never happen, especially when the patient is the victim of someone else’s negligence. In these cases, injured parties can seek compensation for their injuries from the at-fault party. If successful, damages should cover the cost of follow-up care and rehabilitation.

Speak with a Fort Lauderdale Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Today

Many accident victims who suffer from TBIs require not only emergency care, but also ongoing medical assistance and long-term therapies. This can be expensive, especially for those who are attempting to recover from their injuries and who are unable to work while they do so. For help seeking compensation for your own TBI-related expenses, call 954-566-9919 and set up a meeting with the dedicated Fort Lauderdale traumatic brain injury lawyers at Boone & Davis. We are standing by and eager to get started on your accident case.




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