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Forward-Collision Warnings Don’t Guarantee Safety


In recent years, vehicle manufacturers have made great strides in the area of collision avoidance. Many new vehicles, for instance, are equipped with forward-collision warning systems that are specifically designed to help motorists avoid rear-end accidents. A recent study, conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) revealed that these devices are largely effective, reducing collisions by as much as 22 percent. Having a forward-collision device installed in one’s vehicles does not, however, guarantee an occupant’s safety, which is why it’s so important for drivers to avoid relying too much on these safety tools.

What are Forward-Collision Warnings?

 Forward-collision warning systems are safety tools that use cameras, sensors, and radar to monitor the road ahead of a moving vehicle. When the system detects a potential collision with the vehicle in front of a driver, then it issues a warning, which can be visual or auditory, but is usually both. The warning alerts the driver to the corrective action that needs to be taken to avoid a crash, like braking or swerving. Multiple studies have shown that these kinds of avoidance systems can be very effective in preventing collisions, as they:

  • Provide drivers with more time to react to and avoid a potential collision;
  • Can detect obstacles or vehicles that may be in a driver’s blind spot; and
  • Are reliable even in low visibility situations, as when there is fog, snow, or rain.

Most car accidents are the result of driver error, like a traffic rule violation, driving while distracted, or a delayed reaction. Forward-collision warning systems help mitigate these errors by giving drivers warnings of impending crashes.

Are There Limits to Forward-Collision Systems?

 It’s important to remember that forward-collision warning systems are not infallible and there are limits to these kinds of crash avoidance systems. These systems can, for instance, issue warnings for non-threatening situations, which can in turn lead drivers to become desensitized to and even to ignore warnings. It’s also dangerous to become too reliant on these kinds of systems, as they can cause drivers to become overly complacent, relying on the vehicle’s software rather than their own judgment. These systems should be used to complement safe driving habits and not replace them, with drivers continuing to remain attentive and adhere to all traffic rules. Forward-collision warning systems also have other limits. They are, for instance, extremely effective in reducing rear-end collisions, but are not as effective at stopping side-impact crashes, pedestrian accidents, or other types of collisions.

Call Today to Protect Your Right to Compensation 

Even if your vehicle is equipped with a forward-collision warning system, you could still end up involved in an accident because of someone else’s negligence. If this happens to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experienced Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers at Boone & Davis for help seeking compensation for your losses. Get started on your case by calling 954-566-919 or by reaching out to us via online message.


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