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Florida PIP and PDL Requirements


Florida’s high-volume, congested roadways and outdated infrastructure make obtaining comprehensive car insurance of the utmost importance. In fact, it’s not only a good idea for drivers to purchase car insurance in Florida; it’s also legally required. All motorists in the state must purchase Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance, as well as Property Damage Liability (PDL) insurance. The former helps cover the medical bills and lost wages of policyholders regardless of fault, while the latter ensures coverage for vehicle repairs in the event that a policyholder causes damage to another driver’s property. Unfortunately, not all drivers purchase the policies that they should, which can leave accident victims in a tough spot financially if injured in a crash through no fault of their own.

Personal Injury Protection Insurance 

PIP insurance is a type of policy that covers 80 percent of a policyholder’s necessary and reasonable medical expenses (up to $10,000), as well as 60 percent of his or her lost income. These benefits apply not only to the policyholder, but also to:

  • Any relatives residing in the same household as the policyholder;
  • Any individuals driving the insured’s vehicle;
  • Passengers who may not have their own PIP coverage; and
  • Pedestrians and cyclists struck by the insured vehicle.

It’s important to note that PIP insurance covers a policyholder’s medical bills regardless of who actually caused the accident. For this reason, injured parties aren’t required to prove fault in order to recover compensation and can still obtain compensation for some of their losses even if the at fault party wasn’t insured.

Property Damage Liability Insurance 

PDL insurance is a type of auto insurance that covers the cost of vehicle damage sustained in an accident. Unlike PIP insurance, however, PDL policies provide reimbursement for damage that a policyholder causes to another person’s property. Florida law requires that all drivers carry at least $10,000 in PDL coverage. Besides covering vehicle damage, PDL policies also provide reimbursement for damage to other types of property, like buildings or fences. However, this coverage only applies to damages caused by the policyholder or any person driving his or her vehicle.

Here to Help with Your Florida Car Accident Claim

 Even those with both PIP And PDL policies can end up without enough coverage to reimburse them for the full amount of their losses. In these cases, it may be necessary to file a claim with the other driver’s insurer or even to file a lawsuit against that person in court. These can be difficult endeavors, which is why accident victims should consider reaching out to a Florida personal injury lawyer, who can help them deal with insurance companies and if necessary, pursue compensation in court. To learn more about how our experienced Fort Lauderdale car accident attorneys could help with your own case, please call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919 and set up an initial case evaluation with a member of our legal team today. We are standing by and prepared to get started on your case right away, so don’t hesitate to call or contact us online at your earliest convenience.




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