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Chain Reaction Car Accidents


Chain reaction crashes are one of the most serious kinds of collisions in which a person can be involved. They can occur in a variety of situations, but are especially common where there is heavy traffic and drivers simply don’t have enough space or time to come to a stop or swerve out of the way to avoid a crash in front of them. No matter where they happen, chain reaction accidents can result in serious injuries, even when they occur at low speeds, as the parties involved are often forced to suffer multiple impacts.

Fault in Chain Reaction Accidents

Determining fault for a chain reaction accident can be complicated, as they are often the result of two or more causes, or driver errors. Say, for example, that a motorist is speeding and can’t stop for slowed traffic, rear-ending the vehicle in front of her. The first driver caused the initial collision. If, however, another motorist was following the first driver too closely and therefore couldn’t avoid a second collision, then he or she could also be held partially liable for some of the injuries suffered. Determining who is liable for a chain reaction accident tends to be complex, with multiple parties potentially bearing some responsibility, which is why it is so important for victims of these kinds of accidents to work with an attorney who can ensure that they attempt to hold the correct parties accountable.

Chain Reaction Accident Injuries

The injuries suffered by those involved in chain reaction accidents tend to be serious. This is true even when the collision occurred at relatively low speeds, as at least one of the parties will be forced to suffer multiple impacts. For instance, a person who was rear-ended may be fortunate enough to avoid a serious injury after the first collision, but may not be so lucky when struck a second and third time. It is also not uncommon for a person in a chain reaction accident to suffer from multiple injuries, especially if struck from more than one direction. Potential injuries include neck and back injuries, head trauma, and broken bones amongst others. Fortunately, it is possible for accident victims who can prove that someone else was responsible for their crash, to recover compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. For help identifying the person (or persons) who caused your own chain reaction crash, reach out to our legal team today.

Call Today for Help with Your Case

Of the many types of car accidents that a person can be involved in, chain reaction collisions are one of the most serious. This is due to the fact that victims are forced to suffer from multiple impacts, sometimes at high speeds. Individuals who are injured in these kinds of crashes often face unique problems when attempting to determine fault or recover compensation from the at-fault parties involved. To give yourself a better chance of success when filing your own claim, please call Boone & Davis at 954-566-9919 and speak with one of our dedicated Florida car accident lawyers today.




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