Category Archives: Truck Accidents

Filing a Tanker Truck Accident Injury Claim
Collisions with any large commercial vehicle tend to be serious. However, accidents involving tanker trucks are notorious for having especially devastating consequences, as many of these trucks carry hazardous and extremely dangerous chemicals that could spill onto the road after a significant impact. Determining liability for tanker truck accidents can be difficult, as a… Read More »

Commercial Truck Accidents Caused by Mechanical Failure
Collisions with big rigs and other commercial vehicles are some of the most devastating types of accidents in which a driver can be involved. Like crashes involving only smaller vehicles, collisions with commercial vehicles can occur for a number of reasons, including distracted driving, falling asleep at the wheel, or failing to abide by… Read More »

The Dangers of Wide Right Turn Truck Accidents
Truck accidents of any type tend to have devastating consequences simply because of the weight and overall size of commercial vehicles. Some of the most commonly reported kinds of truck accidents, however, occur when a truck driver makes a wide right turn. Negligence when making these types of turns is dangerous, as it can… Read More »

Legal Remedies for Jackknife Accidents
Most jackknife accidents occur because of a defect in the road, poor weather, or a blown tire. However, these are not the only causes of these accidents, which can also be attributed to driver error, or even another motorist’s negligence. This can make determining who is responsible for an accident extremely difficult, which in… Read More »

Why are Truck Accidents so Dangerous?
While there is no question that the commercial trucking industry plays a crucial role in the functioning of our country’s economy, it is also true that sharing the road with trucks of such a massive size can be extremely dangerous. When it comes down to it, the large size and weight capacity of commercial… Read More »

How Avoiding Blind Spots Can Prevent Truck Accidents
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves involved in collisions with other vehicles, often due to the negligent or reckless conduct of another person or entity, which can be frustrating and distressing. However, this does not mean that we should refrain from taking precautions, especially around certain dangerous vehicles, such as semi-trucks, as… Read More »

Rear-End Semi Truck Accident Claims
All truck accidents have the potential to cause devastating injuries, even when they occur at relatively low speeds, a fact that can be attributed at least in part to the large size of the semi-trucks themselves. There are, however, certain types of accidents between semi-trucks and passenger vehicles that tend to have particularly serious… Read More »

What Causes Semi-Truck Accidents?
We’ve all driven by a collision that involved a semi-truck and been horrified at the amount of resulting damage. Few, however, are aware of just how common these types of accidents are. For instance, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) estimates that of the nearly 475,000 crashes involving large trucks that occurred in… Read More »

New Database Will Improve Oversight of Commercial Driver Records
Recently, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced that it would be launching a new national database, known as the Commercial Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. The new database will be aimed at reducing the number of truck-related accidents caused by commercial driver substance abuse and driving violations. While the database’s effectiveness… Read More »

Commercial Trucks and Rear-end Accidents
The severity of injuries sustained in a rear-end car accident depends on the momentum created by the force of the collision. The momentum of a vehicle, in turn, depends on the weight of the vehicle or the speed at which it was traveling prior to the collision. For this reason, some of the worst… Read More »