Category Archives: Medical Malpractice

Removal of Healthy Organs During Surgery
Everyone’s body is unique, which is why medical textbooks include a normal range for the size of each organ and body part, instead of a single ideal size. You might have an extra vertebra or even an extra digit, and this does not cause problems, but only makes for interesting anecdotes at social events… Read More »

Postsurgical Infections and Medical Malpractice
Antibiotics are a double-edged sword; deciding when to prescribe them and in what dose is not as simple as it seems. On the one hand, they can easily cure infections that otherwise would have been fatal. Consider that, barely a century ago, the son of President Calvin Coolidge died after a blister on his… Read More »

Medical Errors in Cruise Ship Infirmaries
Some medical malpractice lawsuits arise from incidents where the medical procedure took place in a poorly equipped facility. Things can go wrong with almost any medical treatment, and healthcare workers should always have a plan for quickly getting the patient to a facility that offers a higher level of treatment if necessary. This is… Read More »

When Are Infections an Indication of Medical Malpractice?
By the time they start elementary school, children know that germs are everywhere. Parents remind them to wash their hands before eating, so that the germs that are on their hands do not get inside their bodies. When they visit a family with a new baby, parents often say to their young children who… Read More »

The Most Common Anesthesia Errors
When we seek medical care, we place a lot of trust in doctors and other medical professionals to provide that care with the best possible skill. This is true whether a person is being prescribed medication, undergoing physical therapy, or going into surgery. Unfortunately, medical providers don’t always live up to this responsibility, putting… Read More »

New Florida Law Aims to Limit Damages for Medical Malpractice Claims
Medical professionals are required to use a certain amount of care in diagnosing and treating their patients. Those who fail to satisfy this standard and who cause an injury as a result can and should be held liable for their negligence. This can be achieved by filing a medical malpractice claim against the negligent… Read More »

Federal Government Proposes New Nursing Home Staffing Standards
In response to increasing concerns about the standard of care at nursing homes and reports of negligent care due to understaffing, federal regulators recently announced a new rule that, if approved, would set minimum staffing requirements for nursing home facilities across the U.S. Until the rule goes into effect, nursing homes can continue to… Read More »

The Three Most Misdiagnosed Medical Conditions
While no one is perfect, we can expect that professionals who have adequate training, education, and experience will use the appropriate amount of care in providing their services. Although this is true for any professional, there are certain occupations where failing to use the proper standard of care can have more far-reaching and life-changing… Read More »

What Is A Medical Error?
Most healthcare providers are careful to abide by the professional and scientific standards required of their profession, which enables them to properly diagnose and treat millions of patients every year. Unfortunately, not all providers use the care that they should and many commit medical errors, some of which end up proving deadly for the… Read More »

Were You Misdiagnosed After A Car Crash?
Any car accident can be frightening for the parties involved. The trauma can, however, be even more intense for those who are misdiagnosed after a crash. Being misdiagnosed after a car accident can result in serious complications and can even prevent a person from getting the treatment needed to prevent permanent disability. Someone who… Read More »