Category Archives: DUI Accident

Reducing Your Risk of Getting Hit by a Drunk Driver
Despite efforts by lawmakers and law enforcement agencies across the country, drunk driving accidents continue to occur at an alarming rate in the U.S. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that nearly 30 percent of all car accidents involve alcohol. Unfortunately, there’s no way to control the behavior of other… Read More »

How Alcohol Affects Driving Skills and Judgment
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal in every state in the U.S. Besides being illegal, however, it is also extremely dangerous, as consuming alcohol significantly impairs a person’s driving skills and judgment in a number of ways. Read on to learn more about the five ways that alcohol impacts driving… Read More »

Were You Injured by a Drunk Driver Over the Holidays?
Despite intense efforts by law enforcement, lawmakers, and federal regulators over the last decade, DUI accidents continue to be a challenge in Florida and across the U.S. While drivers are at risk of being involved in such an accident at any time, these kinds of collisions do tend to occur most often during certain… Read More »

Using Evidence of Intoxication when Demonstrating Fault for a Car Accident
Whether a person is successful when filing a civil claim after an accident depends largely on the amount of the tangible evidence that he or she collects. The types of evidence required, however, may also depend on the nature of the accident in question. Civil claims against drunk drivers, for instance, are unique in… Read More »

Using Evidence from a Criminal DUI Case to Support Your Civil Claim
Building a strong case after being involved in a car crash often depends primarily on the tangible evidence that the injured party is able to collect. The types of evidence used after a drunk driving accident, however, may be unique compared to what is required for other accident claims, as these civil cases also… Read More »

Who Pays for Injuries Caused by a Drunk Driver?
Most Florida motorists know that they live in a no-fault state, but this can be a tough pill to swallow in cases where a person’s conduct was particularly reckless. For instance, even if a person is injured by a drunk driver, he or she will generally have to go through his or her own… Read More »

Punitive Damages in DUI Injury Cases
Some of the most deadly car accidents are the result of drunk driving, as these collisions are notorious for occurring at high speeds and with little to no warning. Recognizing the extremely reckless nature and serious consequences of collisions caused by intoxicated drivers, Florida legislators passed a law allowing injured DUI accident victims to… Read More »

How Dram Shop Liability Could Affect Your Accident Claim
Most people are aware that driving while intoxicated is illegal and that those who injure someone while driving under the influence can be held liable for resulting damages. Unfortunately, there are often factors that hinder an injured party’s ability to recover the full scope of his or her losses in these situations. For this… Read More »