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Teenage Driving Risks

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Due to their lack of experience and willingness to engage in risky behavior, teenagers tend to have a higher accident rate than other age groups. Not only is this dangerous for adolescent drivers, but also for anyone else on the road. Read on to learn more about the risks of teenage driving and your… Read More »

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Were You Injured in a Left-Hand Turn Accident?

By Boone & Davis |

Most of us have driven through an intersection immediately following a car accident. This isn’t surprising, as intersections are notorious for being one of the most likely places to get in a car accident. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), as many as 40 percent of car crashes take… Read More »

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Recalled Bicycle Helmets Increase Risk of Head Injury

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Safety experts estimate that wearing a helmet reduces a rider’s chances of suffering a head injury by between 60 and 90 percent, which is why so many cyclists go to such great lengths to purchase up-to-date and carefully tested helmets. Unfortunately, as a recent recall of eight different models of bicycle helmet has revealed,… Read More »

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Did You Suffer Blunt Force Head Trauma in an Accident?

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Many different types of accidents can cause head trauma, including everything from car crashes and slip and fall accidents to sporting activities and workplace accidents. Whatever the cause, blunt force trauma to the head or face can result in fractures, soft tissue injury, and even brain damage, leaving victims suffering with head pain, bleeding,… Read More »

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The Three Most Misdiagnosed Medical Conditions

By Boone & Davis |

While no one is perfect, we can expect that professionals who have adequate training, education, and experience will use the appropriate amount of care in providing their services. Although this is true for any professional, there are certain occupations where failing to use the proper standard of care can have more far-reaching and life-changing… Read More »

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How Knowing Braking Distances Can Help Prevent Car Accidents

By Boone & Davis |

There are a lot of things that can affect a vehicle’s stopping distance, but one of the most important is speed. It’s important to have a thorough understanding of how speed, and other factors, can affect stopping distance and how stopping distance can affect whether a person is involved in a crash. In fact,… Read More »

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Recognizing the Signs of a Soft Tissue Injury After an Accident

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There are two main types of soft tissue injuries, acute injuries and overuse injuries. This post is concerned with acute injuries, which are caused by a sudden trauma, like a fall or blow to the body. While considered less severe than other types of blunt force injuries, acute soft tissue injuries are still painful… Read More »

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A Few Simple Ways to Avoid Drowsy Driving

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Drowsy driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents not only in Florida, but across the country. Fortunately, there are strategies that motorists can use to help reduce the possibility of drifting off while driving and being the cause of a crash. Drowsy Driving is Dangerous  While falling asleep at the… Read More »

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What to Know About Florida Slip and Fall Accidents

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Slip and fall accidents can happen just about anywhere and at any time and not always through the carelessness of the person who falls. In fact, many slip and fall accidents can be attributed to someone else’s negligence. It is critical for those who find themselves in this situation to have a thorough understanding… Read More »

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New Florida Law Addresses Motorcycle Safety Education

By Boone & Davis |

This summer, Florida lawmakers enacted a new statute that shifts responsibility for overseeing motorcycle education programs from state agencies to private non-profit companies. Proponents of the law argue that the change will improve motorcycle safety, as private organizations may be able to create more effective programs than the state. Others argue that the law… Read More »

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