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Water Safety Tips To Implement This Summer

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Its year-round sunny weather is one of the things about Florida that attracts so many people to the “sunshine state.” This means that residents and tourists alike can engage in activities all year that many can only enjoy during the summer months. Swimming, particularly among children, has proven especially popular. Although swimming can be… Read More »

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Common Symptoms Of A TBI

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Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which are one of the most devastating injuries (depending on their severity) that a person can sustain, also happen to be one of the most common injuries suffered by accident victims. Those whose accidents involve a sudden blow or jolt to the head are particularly at risk of sustaining a… Read More »

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The Top Five Driving Distractions That Increase Your Risk Of Being Involved In An Accident

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Experts break activities that qualify as distracted driving into three main categories: visual, manual, and cognitive. The first includes activities that take a person’s eyes off the road, while manual distractions take a driver’s hands off the wheel and cognitive distractions involve taking one’s mind off driving. While some distractions fall firmly under one… Read More »

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Back And Neck Injuries Sustained In Rear-End Collisions

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Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of crashes in the U.S. Unfortunately, these kinds of accidents also tend to result in serious back and neck injuries, even in cases with relatively minor impacts. Fortunately, accident victims who can prove that someone else’s negligence was the cause of their collision could be… Read More »

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Evidence In A Florida Personal Injury Case

By Boone & Davis |

Filing a successful negligence claim is largely dependent on the strength of a claimant’s evidence. Basically, the stronger the evidence, the stronger the case and the greater the injured party’s chances of receiving fair restitution for the harm they suffered. Collecting, organizing, and presenting this evidence can be complicated, so if you have questions… Read More »

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The Dangers Of Left Turn Motorcycle Accidents

By Boone & Davis |

Florida is home to, and sees its fair share of visiting motorcycle enthusiasts, many of whom are drawn to the state by its temperate climate and scenic highways. Unfortunately, there are downsides to using motorcycles, whether purely as a mode of transportation or as a hobby, as those who are involved in collisions are… Read More »

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The Differences Between Personal Injury Claims And Personal Injury Lawsuits

By Boone & Davis |

While the terms claim and lawsuit are often used interchangeably, the reality is that there is actually a clear distinction between these two words. Generally, a claim precedes a lawsuit and is filed with someone’s insurer and if resolved, is done so in an out-of-court setting. If a claim cannot be resolved, however, an… Read More »

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Florida’s No-Fault Law Repealed

By Boone & Davis |

Florida remains one of only a handful of states that continues to handle auto liability cases using a no-fault standard. Basically, since 1972, drivers who are involved in accidents have been required to file claims with their own insurers to recoup accident-related losses, even if they weren’t at fault for an accident. While this… Read More »

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Who Pays For Car Accident-Related Property Damage?

By Boone & Davis |

Even those who are lucky enough to escape a car accident without sustaining an injury, will most likely have suffered some kind of property damage. This can leave car accident victims concerned about who will pay for the repair or replacement of their vehicle. There are actually a few different ways to go about… Read More »

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Common Types Of Wrongful Death Cases

By Boone & Davis |

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences that a person can go through, regardless of the circumstances. It can be especially harrowing, however, when the death was sudden or unforeseen and could have been avoided, but for someone else’s negligence. While no amount of monetary compensation can ever make up… Read More »

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