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New Report Reveals Significant Increase In Florida Boating Accidents In 2020

By Boone & Davis |

Florida is a boater’s paradise for many people, including both residents and visitors. However, the state’s waters can also be perilous. In fact, according to a report recently released by the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), Florida has the highest number of boating accidents in the country. This is something that all… Read More »

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Florida’s No-Fault Law And Motorcycle Accidents

By Boone & Davis |

In Florida, drivers are required to obtain Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance to cover accident-related losses. Because Florida is still a no-fault state, injured motorists are required to go through these policies to recover compensation after a crash. While the system can be frustrating, it also ensures that accident victims are at least able… Read More »

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Risk Of Car Accidents Increase With Road Construction

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Florida’s temperate climate and generally balmy weather mean that road construction is possible for much of the year. During the summer months, however, there is often an additional uptick in road construction in Florida. These numbers are only expected to go up, as Florida was recently given a C grade for overall infrastructure by… Read More »

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A damaged motorcycle laying on the ground

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

By Boone & Davis |

While all car accidents should be taken seriously, those involving motorcycles are known for being particularly devastating. This makes sense, as motorcycles are less stable and more vulnerable to poor road and weather conditions, while their lack of seatbelts means that riders are often propelled forward in the event of a crash. For these… Read More »

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Why Car Accidents Are More Common In The Summer

By Boone & Davis |

Most of us look forward to the summer months, which are generally accompanied by balmy weather and time off from work. Unfortunately, the summer months also see an increase in the number of car accidents occurring on Florida roads, with the months between June and August considered particularly dangerous. This alarming trend has a… Read More »

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Legal Options For Young Children Injured In Florida Car Accidents

By Boone & Davis |

Even when they are restrained in age-appropriate car and booster seats, children are often more at risk of sustaining serious injuries in collisions than adults. Fortunately, it is possible for a child’s guardians to recover compensation for the victim’s medical bills by filing a claim on the child’s behalf. However, recovering damages on behalf… Read More »

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Florida Implements New Laws For The Safety Of Bicyclists And Pedestrians

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Last year, Florida lawmakers passed a series of new regulations related to bicyclist and pedestrian safety. In July, those regulations were officially implemented across the state. While some of these legal changes promise to be effective in preventing cyclist and pedestrian accidents in the future, these types of collisions will still undoubtedly happen, leaving… Read More »

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Right Turns At Intersections A Hazard For Pedestrians

By Boone & Davis |

Pedestrians are always at a disadvantage when in close proximity to moving vehicles. There are, however, certain situations that tend to be particularly dangerous for pedestrians. Intersections, which, with their traffic lights and crosswalks are supposed to be safe for pedestrians, often prove to be one of the most dangerous places for pedestrians to… Read More »

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How Accident-Related Injuries Can Impact Your Earning Ability On A Long-Term Basis

By Boone & Davis |

Lost wages, or the income that a person misses out on while recuperating after an accident-related injury, are an important thing to consider when attempting to calculate damages after an accident. Fortunately, it is possible to collect these losses throughout treatment and into the extended healing process. A concept that many people are less… Read More »

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Florida Governor Vetoes PIP Reform Law

By Boone & Davis |

With the passage of a PIP reform law by Florida lawmakers, many motorists began anticipating significant changes to the state’s no-fault insurance system. These hopes, however, were ultimately dashed when  Governor DeSantis surprisingly vetoed the legislation that had passed both the Florida House of Representatives and Senate. If passed, the law would have required… Read More »

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