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How Does Motorcycle Insurance Work?

By Boone & Davis |

Carrying the proper insurance on any vehicle provides motorists with protection in the event of an accident. This is especially important for motorcycle riders, who have an even higher chance of being involved in a crash and of suffering severe injuries. However, motorcycle insurance can be complicated, leaving many to wonder how it works… Read More »

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Florida’s Crosswalk Laws

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With its year-round balmy weather, Florida is a popular place for pedestrians. Unfortunately, this also means that, with the increasing number of cars on the road, pedestrians are also more at risk of being involved in a collision. Often, these accidents occur while pedestrians are lawfully using crosswalks, which means that the motorists can… Read More »

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Who Pays For The Ambulance After A Car Accident?

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In many states, at-fault drivers who cause accidents are responsible for paying the medical expenses of anyone who was injured in that collision, including the cost of emergency treatment and transportation to a hospital in an ambulance. Florida, however, is a no-fault state, which means that the issue is a bit more complicated and… Read More »

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Was Your Car Accident Caused By Another Driver’s High Beams?

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It’s not uncommon for motorists to avoid driving at night due to poor visibility. Drivers who do need to drive at night, however, especially in dimly lit areas, often choose to use their high beams. Unfortunately, the use of high beams comes with its own unique set of dangers. A driver traveling in the… Read More »

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Liability For Accidents Caused By Driver Fatigue

By Boone & Davis |

Most of us have, at some point in our lives, driven while feeling tired. Few are aware, however, how risky this can be, as drowsy driving often proves to be as dangerous as drunk driving if a motorist falls asleep at the wheel. Driving while drowsy is a form of negligence, which means that… Read More »

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New Airbag Technology For Cyclists

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Even a collision at relatively low speeds can have devastating consequences for cyclists, who are lucky if they escape a crash with no injuries. Besides the impact from the initial crash, cyclists must also suffer the additional impact of striking the ground, putting them at risk of broken bones, head trauma, and lacerations. Unfortunately,… Read More »

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Recovering Out-Of-Pocket Costs After A Car Accident

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In Florida, individuals who are hurt in car accidents and whose damages exceed their policy limits are often able to file claims directly against the at-fault driver. If successful, the injured party could be eligible for reimbursement of his or her medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and more. In addition,… Read More »

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Collisions Caused By Poor Vehicle Maintenance

By Boone & Davis |

There could be a lot of different reasons for a crash. Driver error, combined with inclement weather and bad road conditions, for instance, can create dangerous situations for even the most careful of motorists. One of the lesser known causes of car accidents, however, is poor vehicle maintenance, which plays a role in a… Read More »

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Determining Liability In A Line Of Sight Accident

By Boone & Davis |

Few things are as dangerous as being unable to see when driving. In line of sight accidents, this takes the form of being unable to see other motorists, cyclists, or pedestrians because something else is blocking one’s view. Needless to say, being unable to fully see when driving significantly increases a person’s chances of… Read More »

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Reporting Your Car Accident-Related Injuries

By Boone & Davis |

The surge of adrenaline that so often accompanies a car accident can mask the symptoms of severe injuries. For this reason, or merely out of an attempt to avoid causing trouble, many car accident victims fail to seek medical attention after their crashes. This, however, should be avoided, as failing to obtain, or even… Read More »

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