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The Importance Of Reviewing Your Auto Insurance Coverage

By Boone & Davis |

Florida is a no-fault auto liability state, which means that all car accident victims must first file claims with their own insurers when attempting to recover compensation after a crash. This is true even if someone else caused the accident. The terms of a motorist’s policy, as well as its limits, will largely dictate… Read More »

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Pursuing Damages After A Florida Motorcycle Accident

By Boone & Davis |

Motorcycle accidents are on the rise across the U.S. These types of collisions, however, should be of particular concern to riders in Florida, which, in recent years, has reported more motorcyclist fatalities than any other state. For survivors of these kinds of crashes, and their loved ones, having a handle on the basic steps… Read More »

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Paying Household Bills After A Car Crash

By Boone & Davis |

Once a car accident victim has had time to process what happened in a collision, he or she will undoubtedly begin thinking about the bills that will need to be paid. This includes not only car accident-related expenses, like medical bills and the cost of repairing or replacing a vehicle, but also regular day-to-day… Read More »

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Will My Insurance Premiums Go Up If I Use My PIP Coverage?

By Boone & Davis |

In Florida, drivers who are involved in car crashes are required to seek compensation first from their own insurers, regardless of who actually caused the accident. It makes sense then, that one of the first concerns of many car accident victims is whether they can expect their insurance rates to go up after filing… Read More »

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Road Trip Tips To Help You Avoid A Florida Car Accident This Summer

By Boone & Davis |

Yearly road trips are a summer tradition for many families, many of whom come to Florida to visit its famous beaches, theme parks, and balmy weather. Unfortunately, with more people on the road, comes a higher risk of being involved in a car accident. Because summer road trips are so dangerous, we’ve included a… Read More »

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What Factors Will Affect My Personal Injury Settlement?

By Boone & Davis |

Being injured in an accident can be devastating for victims and their families. Besides the physical and emotional trauma, many also incur substantial financial losses and expenses. Fortunately, many accident victims are able to recover compensation after their accidents, which can be critical in helping them put their lives back together. Your Injuries Will… Read More »

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Are You Suffering From An Airbag Deployment Concussion?

By Boone & Davis |

Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that occurs when a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body causes the brain to rapidly move inside the skull, damaging the brain cells. People often associate concussions with car crashes, or slip and fall accidents where someone strikes their head on a… Read More »

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The Benefits Of Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

By Boone & Davis |

Although Florida’s no fault auto liability law requires all drivers to carry auto insurance to cover their losses in the event of an accident, an alarming number of motorists fail to obtain it. In fact, as many as 25 percent of drivers in Florida don’t carry the proper insurance coverage. This makes it particularly… Read More »

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Focus On Swimming Pool Safety This Summer

By Boone & Davis |

Florida is known for its sunny weather and beautiful beaches, so it should come as no surprise that millions of people visit the state every year to enjoy the sun and water. Not all, however, end up swimming in the ocean. Instead, many residents and tourists alike find themselves enjoying the day by the… Read More »

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The Dangers Posed By Bald Tires

By Boone & Davis |

Most of us know the importance of changing our oil regularly and taking our vehicles in for a tune-up every once in a while. Few, however, keep a close eye on their tires, checking not only their pressure, but also the health of their treads. Failing to take these precautionary measures can have serious… Read More »

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