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What If Another Driver Accuses Me Of Causing A Car Accident?

By Boone & Davis |

Being involved in a car crash is stressful, but the situation can become even more exasperating when the other driver unfairly accuses you of causing the crash. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common occurrence, so we’ve included a few tips that could help you if you end up accused of causing an accident. Avoid… Read More »

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Receiving A Settlement Offer After A Florida Car Accident

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Most Florida car accident lawsuits are resolved before trial, which often proves beneficial for all parties involved, saving them both time and money. Instead of litigating their legal issues and leaving the result in the hands of a judge or jury, parties can negotiate a settlement in an out-of-court setting. Having the help of… Read More »

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Florida Left-Turn Accidents

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Car accidents can and do occur just about anywhere. There are areas, however, that are known for being particularly dangerous for motorists. For instance, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that more than 40 percent of all car accidents occur at intersections. Many of these collisions occur when drivers attempt to make… Read More »

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Common Issues In Florida Rear-End Accidents

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Florida rear-end accidents, like any other type of collision, can range in severity from a minor fender bender to a devastating collision. In most cases, determining fault in a rear-end accident is a simple matter, as Florida law states that it is the driver in the rear who bears the greater responsibility to avoid… Read More »

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What Is Summary Judgment?

By Boone & Davis |

Most civil cases go to trial because two parties disagree about the facts of a particular case. In a car accident case, for instance, the plaintiff may argue that the defendant was speeding at the time of a crash, while the defendant may deny such a claim. In some instances, however, certain facts may… Read More »

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Avoiding Florida Car Accidents In Bad Weather

By Boone & Davis |

Florida drivers experience drastic changes in weather on a regular basis, so most are aware of how to handle these conditions, or are at least able to recognize that they pose serious risks to motorists. While the best thing to do in most severe weather situations is to remain home and stay off the… Read More »

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Pretrial Stages Of A Florida Personal Injury Case

By Boone & Davis |

People often underestimate the complexity of a personal injury lawsuit, as even the most straightforward of civil lawsuits requires that plaintiffs comply with strict procedural and substantive rules. Some of the most important procedural requirements actually occur before trial, during one of the pretrial stages. Failing to meet these standards at any time during… Read More »

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“Failure To Warn” Product Liability Cases

By Boone & Davis |

When we purchase a product, whether it is a hair dryer, a food item, a tool, or a piece of clothing, we trust that those products will work safely and as advertised. Unfortunately, not all companies use the care that they should when designing and manufacturing their products, leaving consumers at risk of sustaining… Read More »

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Fatal Car Accident Lawsuits

By Boone & Davis |

Some car accident victims are fortunate enough to walk away from their collisions injury-free. Unfortunately, this isn’t always true. In fact, an alarming number of people lose their lives in car accidents every day in the U.S. In Florida, the surviving relatives of car accident victims can often seek compensation by filing a wrongful… Read More »

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Did You Suffer Spinal Disc Herniation In An Accident?

By Boone & Davis |

Referred to by a wide range of names, including bulging discs, slipped discs, ruptured discs, or protruding discs, herniated spinal discs are extremely painful, but relatively common accident-related injuries. Unfortunately, with so many different names, there is often confusion surrounding this type of injury. Having a thorough understanding of these injuries can be beneficial… Read More »

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