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Common Bicycle Accident Scenarios

By Boone & Davis |

Riding a bicycle provides many Florida residents with a cost-effective, eco-friendly way to get around. Unfortunately, riding bicycles in busy urban areas like Tampa also comes with its fair share of risks. Read on to learn more about the most common bicycle accident scenarios and what to do if you are injured in such… Read More »

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Types of Truck Accidents

By Boone & Davis |

While commercial vehicles play a key role in transporting goods across the country, they are also dangerous, posing a lot of risks to other road users. Truck accidents fall under a variety of categories, some of which are unique to commercial vehicles. Read on to learn more about the different types of truck accidents… Read More »

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Internal Injuries Can be Fatal

By Boone & Davis |

Many of the injuries sustained by car accident victims are obvious. Someone who suffers a severely broken bone, for instance, will likely recognize that something is wrong. Similarly, a serious laceration is not only painful, but will begin bleeding immediately. Abrasions, bruising, and burns may also manifest within minutes of a crash. Other injuries,… Read More »

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Camera Footage Can Help Strengthen Your Car Accident Claim

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Of the many kinds of evidence that accident victims can present to establish liability for a crash, video footage is among the most compelling. Whether it takes the form of video from a traffic camera, a surveillance camera, or even footage from a dashboard camera, video coverage can act as clear and objective proof… Read More »

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Florida’s Truck Lane Restrictions

By Boone & Davis |

There are more commercial vehicles on the road than ever before, which has led to worse traffic and an increase in truck accidents. In fact, many states, including Florida have placed lane restrictions on commercial vehicles to help avoid these problems. These truck lanes seek to reduce the number of lane changes attempted without… Read More »

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Impaired Driving Technology Can Prevent Accidents

By Boone & Davis |

Accidents caused by drunk driving seem to be on the rise across the country, increasing by 14 percent between 2019 and 2020 and climbing an additional five percent in 2021. Florida is not immune from this trend and actually regularly tops the list as one of the most dangerous states in which to drive…. Read More »

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Tips for Avoiding Drowsy Driving Accidents

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Driving while drowsy has proven to be just as dangerous as driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Like intoxicated motorists, drowsy drivers have slower reaction times, have a harder time making good decisions, and may struggle to pay attention to the road, all of which can have deadly consequences for other… Read More »

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Common Car Accident Eye Injuries

By Boone & Davis |

When people think of the kinds of injuries sustained in car accidents, the first that come to mind are usually broken bones, lacerations, and head injuries. What many are unaware of, however, is that auto accidents are actually one of the leading causes of trauma-related eye injuries. These injuries include everything from cuts and… Read More »

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What are FMCSA Regulations and How Could They Affect My Truck Accident Claim?

By Boone & Davis |

The federal government relegates the commercial trucking industry closely, requiring regular vehicle inspections, mandating drug testing, and dictating licensing requirements. Drivers and companies that fail to abide by these rules not only put other motorists at risk, but can be held liable for their actions. What is the FMCSA?  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety… Read More »

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Frequently Asked Questions About Florida Auto Liability Insurance

By Boone & Davis |

Florida is one of the few no-fault auto liability states in the U.S., so it’s not uncommon for drivers to have a lot of questions about this system and how it works. We’ve included answers to a few of the most common auto liability-related questions below. What is No-Fault Insurance?  Florida is a no-fault… Read More »

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