Amusement Park Dangers

As summer approaches, more and more Florida residents are planning vacations, family trips, and visits to amusement parks. While millions of people visit theme parks every year and have enjoyable experiences, a fair number sustain serious injuries. For instance, two years ago, a ten year old boy tragically lost his life on a waterslide ride in Kansas City after his raft went airborne and struck an overhead loop. The co-owners and designer of the water park were recently indicted on charges of reckless second-degree murder and 17 other felony offenses for allegedly designing the slide without having proper engineering training or technical expertise and for knowingly cutting corners during the construction process, putting any future users at serious risk of injury.
Unfortunately, these types of incidents are not uncommon and thousands of people visit hospitals every year with injuries sustained at theme parks. When these kinds of injuries are the result of the property owner’s negligence, the injured parties can and should be compensated for their losses, so if you or a loved one were injured at an amusement park, you should consider speaking with an experienced theme park accident attorney who can evaluate your case and explain your legal options.
Common Injuries
While there are a number of different ways that a person can be injured at an amusement park, certain injuries are especially common, including:
- Lacerations and bruises;
- Broken bones;
- Dislocations;
- Head injuries;
- Traumatic brain injuries;
- Neck and back injuries;
- Torn ligaments;
- Stroke or heart attack;
- Drowning; and
- Brain aneurysms.
Unfortunately, almost half of the injuries sustained by amusement park visitors are suffered by children, usually between the ages of 10 and 14 years old.
Accident Causes
Most serious amusement park-related injuries occur when a person falls from or is ejected from a ride. In some cases, injuries can at least partially be attributed to the victim, especially if he or she failed to follow instructions by standing up, unbuckling a seat belt, or sitting improperly. A surprising number of accidents, however, can be firmly linked to theme park error, which could include improperly operating a ride or mechanical failure caused by a lack of maintenance or a design defect. In these situations, the injured parties or their family members may have grounds to file a lawsuit based on negligence or recklessness. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to hold large, wealthy corporations accountable for their negligent activity. This is especially true for those who do not have legal representation, so if you or your child were injured while visiting a theme park, it is critical to speak with an attorney about your legal options before taking further action.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Theme Park Accident Attorney Near You
Contact one of the experienced Fort Lauderdale theme park attorneys at Boone & Davis today at 954-566-9919 for a free consultation and we’ll help you determine whether you have grounds to file a claim against the amusement park that caused you or your child’s injury.