Monthly Archives: January 2025

Nervous System Injuries
One of the best things about your body, and one that you probably take for granted, is how efficiently it repairs itself. Some tissues in the body repair and regenerate themselves more quickly than others. For example, skin heals so quickly that you can practically see the results in real time; platelets in the… Read More »

When Gorgeous Cars Do Ugly Things
Product liability laws give you the right to sue the manufacturer of a commercial product when that product goes to market in dangerous condition and causes injuries to consumers who use it in the intended manner. Most product liability lawsuits involve prescription drugs, or else toys and furniture designed for use by young children. … Read More »

When Are Infections an Indication of Medical Malpractice?
By the time they start elementary school, children know that germs are everywhere. Parents remind them to wash their hands before eating, so that the germs that are on their hands do not get inside their bodies. When they visit a family with a new baby, parents often say to their young children who… Read More »

Car Safety Is Simpler Than You Think
When your revenge bedtime procrastination gets especially bad, it is easy to find listicles about vehicle features that were once found in cars sold commercially but, in retrospect, were scarily dangerous. You can also find entire YouTube channels dedicated entirely to new automotive technologies that promise to be even better than their predecessors at… Read More »

Big Box Retailers and Premises Liability
A certain generation of writers spewed vitriol at the white picket fences of Middle America and the conformist attitudes they delineated; Jack Kerouac has a quotable line about it in The Dharma Bums, in which he states that all members of the television audience were thinking the same thing. In Kerouac’s day, television screens… Read More »

Commercial Driver’s Licenses and Your Truck Accident Claim
When you are a teenager newly eligible to get a learner’s permit, you pick up the booklet of traffic safety rules from the DMV, and your first impression is that the number of details you must keep in mind when you drive is overwhelming. After you have been driving for a few years, it… Read More »

Dram Shop Liability
The term “dram shop liability” is unfamiliar to most people today, but everyone who has ever braved Florida’s roads is aware of the dangers of drunk driving. The term “dram shop” was current long before laws against driving under the influence of alcohol went into effect and even before the invention of the automobile. … Read More »